Before and After Weight Loss Surgery

Next you will find some of the before and after gastric sleeve and lap band patient testimonials, pictures and videos, as you will see, their decision to get their surgery has changed their lives completely on a very positive and decisive and permanent way!

Most of our patients have only one regret after weight loss surgery and this is not having it done earlier! Weight loss surgery testimonials are our the best way to demonstrate why surgery is a viable and great option when everything else has failed.

Before and after weight loss surgery photos

S. Maldonado

Lost weight: 34.0 kg

In my experience, I expected a more complex recovery after my surgery, but it wen really well!l. The first month is really the hardest in terms of getting used to eating small amounts of food, but every day is worth it. My surgery was two years ago and it has been the best decision I have ever made.Thanks to Dr. Gabriel Rosales for his professionalism, his good disposition and attention throughout this time.

C. Eleguézabal, CDMX

Starting weight: 95 kg
Current weight: 65.5 kg

For me, bariatric surgery was a very drastic and extreme decision that made me feel incapable as, in my mind, it meant that I could not lose weight by my own means. When I decided to go to the consultation with Dr. Rosales, he opened my eyes to the fact that this was only going to be a tool that should drive me to turn my life around.

He made me reason that the only person responsible for making that change would be me and that it would be a constant work focusing myself on regular exercise and good nutrition. When I told my friends and family that I had undergone the gastric sleeve procedure, they all told me the same thing, "How scary, how could you?" When I think about the day of my surgery, I remember that I had many emotions but fear was not one of them. Why? By the simple fact that Dr. Gabriel explained personally and in detail the procedure to me and he inspired me with total and complete confidence that he was my best option and a year after my surgery I can say that I was correct. This was one of the best decisions of my life since right now I am healthy and better than ever.

J. Leal, Monterrey NL

Starting weight: 315 Lbs
Current weight: 198 Lbs
Sizes: pants went from 48 to 38 and shirt XXXLl to L

He had incipient hypertension, he no longer takes medications. He was able to pursue his hobby which is mountain biking."It has been much easier for me to start training regimens and definitely my mood towards many things changed ... you see life in a different way, with another perspective"

E. Díaz, Houston TX

Starting Weight: 147 KG
Current Weight: 90 KG

Enrique suffered from high blood pressure, he is now medication free; enjoying life and the activities he used to do

R. Beineman, TX USA

Starting weight: 240 Lbs
Current weight: 159 Lbs

The only regret I have regarding my weight loss surgery is that I didn't have it done sooner. I have struggled with my weight my entire life. I have tried every diet and every miracle work out. None of them worked. Having weight loss surgery is a very personal decision that I thank God every day I had the courage to make.

Dr. Rosales is awesome! I am almost 3 years post op and we still communicate! Him and his staff are all very professional, I'm a nurse and I know I was very well taken care of. I have lost 80 pounds in less than 3 years and I'm not done yet! I have gone from an 18 jeans to a 7! From XL scrubs to smalls! Weight loss surgery is not a miracle. The weight was not put on in one day so it's not going to just fall off in one day. Dr. Rosales gave me a tool that if used correctly my weight loss journey will be successful.

B. Rabon, TX USA

Starting weight: 190 Lbs
Current weight: 105 Lbs

I had my weight loss surgery almost 10 years ago and it was the best thing I ever did!

The procedure was simple, the staff was fantastic and the entire experience was everything that I had hoped for.

I love my body! I feel confident in my bikinis and being healthy has given me the energy to be active with my kids. It really was the best thing I could have ever done for myself and my family

A. Quiroga, Monterrey NL

Starting weight: 216 Lbs
Current weight: 152 Lbs

Since the beginning Dr. Rosales has been very kind to answer all my questions and has been very upfront with all the pros and cons about this procedure.

Dr. Rosales and his staff are very professional, and the attention I’ve received has been great,. I’m very happy with my decision, because I’m pretty sure that this time I’ll reach my goal weight! Even though it’s only 2 weeks since my surgery, many people around me have noticed I’ve lost weight, and that’s very motivating!

T. Vinson, Austin TX USA

Starting weight: 230 Lbs
Current weight: 160 Lbs

I am sooo happy with the results of the surgery and my health is so much better, my sugar levels keep going down and I just feel sooooo much better than I did in years that if I can help even one person to do the same I would just feel like I am paying it forward, so I definitely recommend the gastric sleeve to anyone struggling with obesity or diabetes!

Kayleena M., Alaska

Starting weight: 147 KG
Current weight 90 KG

I had been struggling with my weight since I was a child. I was always the "chubby one" and it only got worse with my 1st pregnancy. I just wasn't able to drop the weight and keep it off if I did it would come back with it's brothers and sisters, aunts and uncles.

After trying everything I could and realizing that I needed some serious help I started researching Doctors for weight loss surgery. I looked into many and talked with them, I either felt pushed to book ASAP or felt like my answers weren't answered until I found Dr. Rosales.

He answered all of my questions took the time to email and call me despite the huge time difference. I never felt pushed to book an appt ASAP with him. Before I met him in person he was very thoughtful and caring about all of my concerns/questions and helped pick the right weight loss surgery for me.

Him and his team worked with me on dates and travel. Everything went so smoothly from pick up at the San Antonio Texas International Airport to drop off in the same location after the procedure. The rooms were so clean and very nice. The nurses on staff were so kind and caring I was treated better there than I do in my home state. Dr. Rosales made sure everything was very clear on what was going to happen and what part I played in this.

March 2018 Dr. Rosales changed my life for the better. I can not tell you how good it feels to have the weight off and going to the store and buying clothes smaller verse what I was doing before but buying bigger. I knew it was bad but I did not have a full grasp on just how far I had gone.

I feel so blessed to have picked Dr. Rosales as I could not have asked for a better doctor. He checked up on me. He would make sure I knew what part of the diet I need to be on while I was recovering and is he still doing check ins over a year later!! How many doctors do that?!

There is only one thing I wish I had done differently and that is realizing that I needed help sooner and finding Dr. Rosales because I no longer feel trapped in my body.

I am free and more alive than ever. I can keep up with my children and passing on healthy eating habits and work outs to them that I should have been passing down to them all along to set them up for a successful lifestyle.

My life has been changed for the better and now I am living my best life after struggling with my weight for years I can proudly say I took back my life with Dr. Rosales help and for that I am forever grateful.

Jeanne K, Arizona

Starting weight: 220 Lbs.
Current weight: 161 Lbs - 161 Lbs.

I want to sincerely thank Dr. Rosales and his wonderful staff for keeping me healthy during and after my surgery. Prior to having the VSG, I had a lapband put in with some results but I was constantly regurgitating my food. I could not tolerate a lot of foods, then I had a fill done and my stomach swelled shut.

I researched having the lapband removed and having the VSG done in Mexico. I could not have gotten a better surgeon with Dr. Rosales. Lots and lots of follow up emails and calls.

Yes, I did follow the post-op instructions to a T which is very important. It became easier and easier to incorporate eating changes which I follow to this day and will for the rest of my new life.

If you are planning on obesity surgery, Dr. Rosales is one of the best!

S.B., Ohio

Starting weight: 420 Lbs.
Current weight: 210 Lbs.

Suffered from arterial hypertension which was not easily controlled. Over the months after gastric sleeve surgery it was reaching normal figures and in last check-up the figures were 124/82! Same deal with Cholesterol and a1c which are both both in the normal range.

Carol. A

Starting weight: 231 Lbs.
Current weight: 153 Lbs.

Clothing size a year ago was xxl or a 16 sometimes a 18Current - 10 in pants (sometimes a 12 - medium in tops or large depending on the fit (although I’ve lost in the breast size- from a 42 D to a 38 d - I’m still busty so that takes into consideration the top sizes)I’d still like to get to 150 lbs but it’s been a slow process the last couple of months. But I’m good with it. I know it will happen.Other interesting weight losses....Ring size from an 8 to 7.Shoes ... I’ve always been 5-1/2 getting to where I was buying 6-1/2 sometimes. I’m now back to my 5-1/2’s. Thank goodness cuz I have way too many shoes to have to re-buy those!!My necklaces now hang like longer ... I wasn’t able to wear choker type necklaces but now can! Yay!!!Eating habits need to improve. Although my portion sizes are good ... still small ... I think I’m “stress eating”. I’ve been more inclined to eat the wrong things. Bread has always been my weakness and I still won’t buy bread but if there’s any around then I’ll eat it.Anyway, all in all I’m happy with my progress. I don’t stress too much about my weight anymore. It’s much easier to get a grip on it if, for any reason I might gain a pound ... that doesn’t happen very often, more often than not, I just don’t lose anything.Dr. Rosales, You’re my favorite doctor EVER!! Lol

Enedina B., Ohio

Starting weight: 174 Lbs.
Current weight: 132 Lbs.

So I have lost 44 pounds. I am 7 pounds away from my goal weight of 125 pounds. I don't want to be skinny, I just want to have a normal BMI. Prior to surgery I was eating pretty much anything I wanted and not really concerned with how much I ate. Now I am eating healthy food, I avoid eating fast food especially fried food, and I am eating small portions.

E. Isern, Oklahoma

Starting weight: 313 Lbs.
Current weight: 170 Lbs.

I suffered from high blood pressure and thanks to the gastric sleeve I no longer need to take medication and it has been kept under control.

"Dr. Rosales checked on me at least three times a day for two days. He also responded to all my emails if I had any questions before and after surgery...I'm glad I did what I did, I want to be healthy for my children and I feel good with my choice and with coming to Mexico ”

Rebecca B., Houston TX

Starting weight: 296 Lbs.
Current weight: 175 Lbs.

After struggling for several years with yo-yo dieting and exercising regimes that just were not producing the weight loss I needed I decided to have gastric sleeve surgery.

Dr. Rosales was the surgeon I chose because from day one he explained everything about the various procedures available and let me know the pros and cons for my specific situation. There was no pressure and the cost was very reasonable compared to United States prices. I had my surgery done in Monterrey, Mexico and couldn't have been more impressed with the facility, the staff and Dr. Rosales himself.

I went from a size 22 jeans to a loose size 8 and a size 2x/3x shirt to a loose medium. I feel like a brand new person.

Dr. Rosales has been great at keeping up on my progress, making sure I was in the right stages of my diet at the right time and always answering my questions or concerns very promptly.

Before and after weight loss surgery videos


15 things you should know if you plan to have Obesity Surgery in Mexico


We can perform your Gastric Sleeve surgery in Piedras Negras, Monterrey or Laredo.

Send a message to Dr. Rosales, he will answer your message directly



Obesity surgery blog

We share valuable information for people who are considering undergoing bariatric surgery or have already undergone the procedure.

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